22K Gold Rates in Kuwait
22K gold rates in Kuwait
22K gold rates in Kuwait as of today 13 March 2024 are KWD 19.38 per gram and 227.93 per tola.
The following chart will show the gold price in Kuwait today of different weights.
22K Gold Rates in Kuwait
1 Gram | KWD 19.38 |
1 Tola | KWD 227.93 |
1 ounce | KWD 608.12 |
1 Kilo | KWD 19380 |
22K gold rates in the Last 10 days
In the last 10 days, 22K gold prices fluctuated slightly. You can see the last 10 days’ history of gold rates of 22 carats in Kuwait in the given table. These are the 1 gram of 22K gold rates in Kuwait.
Date | Price/gram | Price/tola | Price/ounce | price/kilo |
13-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.38 | KWD 227.93 | KWD 608.12 | KWD 19380 |
12-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.84 | KWD 230.43 | KWD 614.32 | KWD 19845 |
11-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.84 | KWD 230.43 | KWD 614.32 | KWD 19845 |
10-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.70 | KWD 229.81 | KWD 612.83 | KWD 19700 |
09-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.70 | KWD 229.81 | KWD 612.83 | KWD 19700 |
08-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.54 | KWD 227.87 | KWD 607.57 | KWD 19540 |
07-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.49 | KWD 227.33 | KWD 606.22 | KWD 19495 |
06-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.56 | KWD 224.68 | KWD 599.15 | KWD 19260 |
07-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.62 | KWD 223.44 | KWD 595.89 | KWD 19155 |
06-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.46 | KWD 220.13 | KWD 587.09 | KWD 18870 |
05-AUGUST-2024 | KWD 19.48 | KWD 220.44 | KWD 587.84 | KWD 18900 |
22K gold rate trends
Here is the trend of 22k Gold price trends in Kuwait. This history will help you choose the best date to buy or sell gold or jewelry made of gold.
Last 10 days
Trend | Price | Date |
Peak | KWD 19.84 | 11 AUGUST 2024 |
Lowest | KWD 18.87 | 4 AUGUST 2024 |
Last 30 days
Trend | Price | Date |
Peak | KWD 19.84 | 11 JULY 2024 |
Lowest | KWD 18.41 | 04 JULY 2024 |
Last 90 days
Trend | Price | Date |
Peak | KWD 19.84 | 11 JUNE 2024 |
Lowest | KWD 18.41 | 04 JUNE 2024 |
In conclusion, the most recent data on gold prices in Kuwait indicates notable changes in the value of 22K gold. Currently, the price of 22K gold has been subject to fluctuations due to a combination of global market trends, economic conditions, and local demand factors. As of the latest update, the price reflects these variables, highlighting the importance of monitoring the market regularly for the most accurate information. For those considering buying or investing in 22K gold, staying informed on these trends can help in making strategic decisions that align with current market conditions.